Sunday, May 31, 2009

Apartment Search

My mom is flying back to her home country on Wednesday, so we have been searching for an apartment for me to stay just in case the house we have now in NY sells. We found a really nice place just a couple of blocks from our original home.

I called the real estate lady on Friday to set up an appointment for today and she asked me if I was pre-qualified so I freaked and put my dad on the phone...lmao. Accepting help from my parents is hard. I don't know if it's because it's humbling, because I don't want to feel like a spoiled brat that has everything handed to him, or because it possibly still gives them some control over me (read: guilt trips lmao) or maybe just all three.

Anyway, we thought it was an apartment with a bedroom(s) but it turned out to be a studio. However, we all really liked it and have it high on our list of possibilities. Unfortunately, because it doesn't have any bedrooms, it would be difficult to accomodate my parents whenever they chose to travel here. The building itself is very classy and the place gets very good sunlight and has a nice view of the garden below though.

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