Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pot, Meet Kettle

Today I went out with my mother to shop for clothes and shoes for my brothers. On our way there we bumped into this older lady my mother seemed to know from a long time ago and the conversation seemed to be going well until she asked her about Church. My mom told her she was still a devout Catholic and was keeps going to Church.

The lady then told her the Lord had told her (word to the wise: whenever someone says God personally told them something, -run-! lmao) to pray for the Catholics and told my mom that the real faith and the real Church is in Jesus Christ not the Catholic Church. Then my mom tried to politely say we all love the same Jesus but then it just devolved into this really pushy conversation where all of a sudden the lady was quoting apocalypse and reminding us the Church is the whore of babylon and it just got to the point where I wanted to run because it was just so uncomfortable. The final exchange went something like this: I have to go now. Ok, but Jesus be with you! I'll keep Jesus and the Virgin in my heart! No, not the Virgin! And with those words, they parted and I followed. My feelings were mixed between wow this is awkward and mom pwned the evangelical (Catholics, 1, MVP Ray's mom; and Evangelical 0).

I hope I never become like this. I also hope it made my mom realize how it feels when you impose your beliefs on other people just by the experience of this forceful evangelical lady. She's never been one to do this (for the most part), but I feel my father sometimes falls into this self-righteous pattern himself.

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