Wednesday, September 2, 2009

September Air

This one's a short one.

I have been sleeping a lot better at night now that the air is cooler (we couldn't use our a/c all summer because this part of the house seems to have screwed up electrical wiring), which means fall is not too far away.

One thing I like about the fall is that I get to go back to wearing hoodies. I still haven't grown out of them, so I think it must be a mixture between the fact that they remind me of olden religious habits and the way they make you feel all snuggled up and in the mood for a good discussion over apple cider (lol maybe I'm taking this too far).

My other favorite thing about the fall is the mystical kind of atmosphere it gives certain places, one of the reasons I'll miss going back to school in the Hudson Valley and most especially leading (or just being on) those candle lit retreats in Esopus. I can just smell the piney smell and the dimly lit corridors.

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