Monday, July 6, 2009


Yesterday I went to the beach with my uncle, his wife, two cousins, and one cousin's boyfriend. It was a great time except I probably should have worn more sunscreen because I feel like a fried lobster...lmao. Wait, can you fry lobster?

This particular beach reminded me of the horrible time one cousin almost drowned when he was 9 (I must have been 7 or 8). He didn't cry when he was rescued, but had a break down as soon as he turned on the faucet in the shower back home. It's incredible how so many things that happen to us don't "hit" us until much later.

It also reminded me of the funnier time my aunt lost her sunglasses and frantically ran around searching for them. This aunt moved away to the Dominican Republic but she likes coming to the states to visit a lot.

With good sunscreen, the beach is nice for naps and a book (I was reading Jesuit Father Jim Martin's funny and down to earth honest My Life with the Saints). It felt very nice to lie down for a while (nice toasty UV rays on my back <3...lmao).

Two FMLs of the day:

"I don't feel bad being shirtless now since Ray is much fatter than me." - Said by my cousin's boyfriend

"Ray I'm going to call up religious orders and tell them to avoid you since you skip Mass for the beach." - Dad

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